Saturday, July 11, 2009

KKK Leader Ron Paul Shows His Bigotry to the World in the Film “Bruno”

In Sacha Baron Cohen’s new mockumentary film, Bruno, where he plays as an Austrian homosexual fashion reporter, he managed to pull off a stunt on the former Ku Klux Klan leader, libertarian-conservative nutcase, and failed 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul. The results of the stunt, to say the least, were beyond lol. Now, we all know that libertarians are impervious to any kind of logic and scientific reasoning. And let us not forget to mention that their bigotry of all kinds, whether it is racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. is well known as well. But what occurred in the movie Bruno is just icing on the cake.

Cohen, playing as Bruno, invited Paul to an interview over Austrian economics and during it, one of the lights purposefully broke. As a result, Cohen took Paul into a back room which was designed as a bedroom. Paul sat down and Cohen turned on some music and began dancing, making Paul very uncomfortable. It got to the point where Paul got up and exploded, screaming at Cohen and calling him a queer in a most derogatory manner.

Remarking on the event after the fact, Paul said “I'm probably going to have to apologize to my supporters because I think most of them are going to figure out why in the world didn't I sock this guy in the nose?” Indeed, Mr. Paul, you will have to explain this to them. Your supporters are the lowest kind of bigoted filth known to man. I’m sure any one of them would love to lynch a poor homosexual if they had the chance and you can see them smile at the thought of revoking homosexuals of their civil rights such as marriage. Your failure to punch Cohen in the face when you think so lowly of homosexuals perhaps reflects the fact that your message of bigotry and hate is no more than empty words and that when the time comes, you will run away into a little corner and cry. Psh. Typical libertarian.

But oh wait, was Ron Paul’s performance even indicative of any kind of bigotry toward homosexuals, or homophobia? Some people would contend that Paul’s reaction is not to be blamed for he was simply only surprised. Well, to be blunt, that’s all a crock of shit. Why would Ron Paul be so offended at Cohen flaunting his character’s homosexuality a little bit? Why would it scare him to the point where he’s noticeably uncomfortable and actually ran out of the room? The answer is clear – because Ron Paul is a bigoted homophobe! He is clearly intolerant of homosexuals and would probably like to see them all hanged, just like in the “old days” he so hearkens back to during his speeches. Anyone who doesn’t see this is willfully blind to reality and probably a bigot themselves.

To be fair, though, this isn’t really any kind of news. This sort of thing has been well known and it’s pretty obvious that libertarians are among the most intolerant political parties in the US today, just after the conservatives, which they’re closely aligned to in any case. But it is an eye opener for this scene does expose Ron Paul for the fraud and bigot that he is.

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