Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is There to Feel Patriotic For?

The 4th of July is today and you know what that means? All the flag waving conservative morons come out today and celebrate their prejudice. Oh? You’re confused? Allow me to explain.

The history of the United States has its roots in discrimination. Even before the Americas were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, white racists were busy raiding and capturing slaves in West Africa for plantations back home in Europe or on the Canary Islands. They justified their enslavement of them through the belief that these dark skinned individuals were racially inferior. With the Americas and genocide of the Native Americans underway, this accelerated this slavery of Africans and the practice was quite common by the 1700s when the British colonies in America were thriving.

As such, you can see that it was blacks working on these plantations who made America prosperous and blacks who fueled American industry at all stages of its development. But of course, don’t count on the white racists acknowledging this. Instead, the white racists give these black slaves nothing but their undying hatred and abuse. It wasn’t at all uncommon for the white racists to make an unreasonable demand for the amount of cotton they wanted picked for the day, and then when their slaves fail to meet their impossible demand, a few are chosen at random to be whipped to the brink of death. And of course, you know the white racists smiled and enjoyed themselves as they did this. To the white racist, nothing feels better than the feeling of empowerment by inflicting unimaginable suffering on another individual.

Perhaps their hatred was manifested best through the very document that makes up our nation – the United States constitution. In it, it was decided that blacks counted as only 3/5 a human. The white racists denied blacks of their humanity since the beginning and the fact that such a racist clause was written into our constitution makes it completely null and void in my eyes. The constitution, in short, is a tool of the white racists for the oppression of non-whites and needs to be completely abolished.

It is this sort of thing which makes me continually ashamed to be an American. Being American is not something to be celebrated – rather, it is something to vilify. The United States has done nothing but racist evil throughout its entire history and it is beyond redemption. The only individuals who would be proud of this country are the white racists, who are typically conservative and flag waving morons. Only they can proudly express their happiness for the oppression of non-whites by the lighting of fireworks tonight and chanting America is great. I, on the other hand, will remain inside for tonight and do as I usually do. I shall take no part in this disgusting celebration of prejudice and white supremacy.

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