Friday, June 26, 2009

Farrah Fawcett Shamed and Defiled by Perverted Freaks

In case you had already forgotten after all the hysteria surrounding Michael Jackson’s death, Farrah Fawcett, one of the original Charlie’s Angels and a sex symbol in the 1970s, died yesterday. Her brave life was one of abuse and rape in the minds of countless millions of the patriarchy. This quote posted by newsted620 in the comments section of the Seattle Times in their article about her death sums it up perfectly:

“I still have that poster [Farrah] made when she wore that red bathing suit.


Indeed, because she was regarded as beautiful, she was made into a sex symbol during the 1970s. She was pressured into making revealing posters of herself for the disgusting minds of perverts to masturbate to. In their heads, millions of men imagined themselves defiling Farrah in some way. How many times Farrah must have endured rape in the minds of so many during the course of her life must be unfathomable.

Normally this degradation would destroy a woman’s spirit. It would make her feel used and violated. Beauty, at least the way the patriarchy defines it, is not a gift but a curse. Women regarded as ugly are degraded through being reminded of their worthlessness to men on a regular basis while women regarded as beautiful are degraded in being treated as nothing but a sex toy by men on a regular basis. Who the woman is inside and what makes her human is never something any man cares about, though they may act as if they do in an attempt to veil their sick and perverted obsession of her body. This is evident through their lack of interest in even the most amazing of women who are considered to be “ugly”.

The fact that Farrah kept her head up and never let this abuse overcome her makes her an example to the oppressed women of the patriarchy everywhere. Her life is one to note for her bravery in the face of degradation and the maintaining of her spirit in defiance to the patriarchy. It is my only hope that she may finally find refuge from this abuse in death. Rest in peace, Farrah.

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