Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Racist France to Ban Burkas

Have you heard the news? The French government is considering banning burkas entirely. They have already banned the wearing of veils / burkas in their schools in 2004, but I suppose that wasn’t good enough for the white racists who want to see the Muslims of France eradicated. Now they’re taking it to a completely new level.

It’s pretty funny that the racist French consider getting rid of Muslim clothing but aren’t doing shit about the Christian symbols people wear and that are displayed in schools and who knows where else in France. Secularism? Nah, not even. The white racists, who are also religious loons, would never get rid of that. It’s more like the double standards of white racism on display for the whole world to see, likely with a bit of lunatic Christian crusading sentiment against "dirty" Muslims, too.

But that white racist Sarkozy denies that it’s even about “secularism”, or more appropriately, white Christian supremacy. He claims that it’s to protect the dignity of the women wearing burkas, where he thinks that burkas degrade these women. It may be an admirable sentiment, but not only is it not the real case, but it’s also ignorant of Muslim cultural practices. I suppose I’m asking too much from white racists to actually be aware of and understand non-white cultural practices, but I mean really. The burkas don’t degrade women in any way. Granted, there are plenty of patriarchal tendencies among Muslims and the degradation of women does occur, but the burkas and religion of Islam itself are not to blame and anyone who thinks so is being a ridiculously ignorant racist just like Sarkozy, and they would probably be white, too. But hey, who cares about learning about non-white cultural practices and just flood them all with strawmen, and using those strawmen, let’s go civilize these poor brown peoples and invoke the spirit of the white man’s burden. After all, as white racists, that’s our job…

Of course, while that’s still racist and wrong, it’s not the real case at all. The real case is much more racist. The racist French have been oppressing their Muslim population for decades and since the riots in France in 2005, the white racists have become fearful, just like the white racists in apartheid South Africa did. To the white racists, all Muslims = terrorists and they’re afraid of the Muslims hiding bombs in their burkas and blowing them up in the middle of a crowd. Never mind the fact that this is a bullshit ignorant strawman; to the white racist, such “minor” details don’t matter. This is the real motive and racism in France is running just as rampant as it is here in the racist United States. Don’t let the lip service toward the “equality” of the races fool you – a white racist is a white racist, whether he or she is French, American, British, or what have you.


  1. Oh, Lord, more shrieking ignorance from this dullard.

    It's really quite simple, Bitter. If you want to live in France, you should adapt to the French and not demand that the French adapt to you. That includes giving up brutally repressive misogynistic attitudes such as requiring women to wear the equivalent of a deep sea diving suit to go out in public. Do you seriously believe that women (except perhaps for a small, sick minority) would wear burkas if they had any real choice in the matter? Assuming you have any women in your life, and aren't just a bitter little troll living in your parents' basement, ask them if they would wear a burka. And ask them if they would use violence against men who tried to force them to wear such ridiculous clothing.

    In Iran, women are revolting against the bizarre restrictions that Muslim theocrats have imposed on them. And you side with the theocrats!

    Islam (even so-called "moderate" Islam) is profoundly incompatible with the most basic values and principles of Western civilization. Islam originated as an instrument of Arab imperialism, and there is nothing to be gained from allowing it to spread in the Western world.

    Vive le France!

  2. How is wearing a burka forcing everybody to adapt to you? Oh wait, you're a white racist. Just the sight of such an inferior creature offends you. Not only that, you insist on displaying your propaganda and ignorance for the whole world to see by spouting out false lies about Islam.

    Tell me, what makes Islam *so* incompatible with the West while Christianity is? Lol, why do I even bother asking? The only answer I'm going to get is "because they're inferior subhumans rofl rofl rofl!!!".

  3. So Curt, why don't you move to France and wear a burka in protest? I'll help you pack, and give you a ride to the airport.

  4. In general I agree with your opinions. And certainly anonymous posters who are too chicken shit to own up to their opinions and yet bored enough to spend time reading blogs they disagree with must be fun to torment. But seriously kid, you've got to get a life beyond trolling the internet. Like get out and talk with people for God's sake. You've got interesting opinions, it would be nice if you actually spoke up about them in person once in a while.

  5. Jen, I don't see how you are any less anonymous than I am. Your profile doesn't really say anything about you, and yet you believe you are boldly "making a statement" by posting on this dork's blog.

    I came here from Stormfront, and I make no bones about the fact that I want to live among people of my own race and culture, and that being made to feel like a stranger in my own homeland angers me. Whites have the right to have their own racially exclusive institutions and communities, and that includes national communities. Any white who believes that whites in North America and Europe are somehow morally obligated to share their homelands with alien races and cultures from all around the world is badly out of touch with reality; they are not noble idealists leading the human race into a glorious future of peace and prosperity, but cranks whose lunatic ideology can only lead to bloody, flaming chaos.

    Do you want to know what America's future will be if current trends continue, Jen? It will be a three way civil way between Anglos, Hispanics and blacks, desperately fighting for the scraps that remain after America's economy has been trashed by reckless economic mismanagment. (To be fair, the right is no less responsible for this situation than the left.)

    Do you want to see the end result of your "noble" principles, Jen? Look at the tens of millions who died in the gulags of the Soviet Union, look at the tens of millions who died in the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward in the People's Republic of China, look at the millions who died in the killing fields of Cambodia.

    The notion that "racism" is an absolute evil that must be rooted out at any cost is every bit as warped as any idea that Hitler ever came up with.

  6. BitterHappiness, your response indicates to me that you haven't even the slightest acquaintance with history or human nature. Where ever different cultures and races come into contact, there will be conflict, and the conflict will not be resolved until one establishes dominance over the other, or pressures the other out of its lands.

    Islam is not simply a religion. It is a political ideology based on religion, and it is totalitarian in the same way that Nazism and Communism are totalitarian.
