Monday, June 22, 2009

White Racism is Indicative in the Length of History Books

It’s funny when you go to the bookstore and check out the history books. You got a big section for American history, another big section for European history, another large one for World War I and World War II, and then there’s a basically everything else section that’s kind of smaller than the rest. Or in other words, inferior non-white history that we white racists don’t care about.

But that’s common knowledge. The more subtle thing is that when you actually compare the sizes of history books, you’ll notice that the lengths of non-white history books are always shorter. I mean, look at John Keay’s “India: A History” – 578 pages. 5000 years of Indian history and the white racist couldn’t even make it to 600 pages. That’s like a page for every 10 years. Compare that to G.J. Meyer’s book on World War I – 816 pages. That’s a period of only four years and he came up with over 800 pages. That’s like 200 pages for a year. But hey, it’s white history so detail actually matters.

If you want an even more telling example, the Cambridge Illustrated History of China is 352 pages, or about a page for every 12 years in China’s 4000 year old history. I suppose that’s pretty easy to do if you just gloss over all Chinese institutions and cultural thought since as white racists they don’t really care about it. Compare that to Norman Davies’ “Europe: A History” and it’s 1392 pages, or about one page for every two years in Europe’s 2500 year old history. Oh, now here’s something the white racists actually care about…

These books are among the top rated for the subject of each their histories. It’s pretty clear that given the shorter length for non-white histories, white racists couldn’t care less about it. All they care about is their racist white history, as is evident in their going through 1392 pages on the history of Europe from the beginning to present like it was the second coming. It’s sad. The day and age when white racists care about non-white history will be the day of liberation for non-whites worldwide.


  1. If you go into a book store in the United States, you will find many of the books in the history section focus on the United States, many more focus on Western civilization, and a smaller number focus on the non-Western world.

    If you go into a book store in Canada, you'll find much the same thing. Many of the history books will focus on Canada, many others on Western civilization, and a smaller number on the non-Western world. The same will be true of France, Germany, Russia and so forth. And they tend to tell history from the focus of their own nations and races. American history books give a great deal of attention to the American revolution, while in British history books it's barely even a blip on the radar. Russian books about the Second World War focus on Russia's role in the war, while American books tend to focus on the American role.

    Now, this holds true for the rest of the world as well. History books sold in China would focus on Chinese and Asian history, history books sold in India would concentrate on Indian and Asian history, and so forth.

    BitterHappiness assumes that there is something wrong with white people being primarily interested in their own history, and in this he displays the strange inverted racism of the white liberal.

    The white liberal is not prejudiced against other races. He is prejudiced against his own people, and this bizarre prejudice colors everything he sees. Everything everywhere is evidence of the immense, unparalleled evil of his own race, and the white liberal loves nothing more than bashing his fellow whites for their sometimes real but more often imagined racism.

    In this case, BitterHappiness finds evidence of "racism" in the history section of his local book store, and it does not occur to him that book stores around the world would look the same. That is, they would sell the books that would interest the local population, and naturally the local populations are mainly interested in the history of their own nations and races.

    It would never occur to BitterHappiness that a Chinese book store full of books on Chinese and Asian history was a symptom of intolerable and unspeakably evil racism. Yet he blithely makes this assumption about Westerners, and no doubt prides himself on having noticed this and pointing it out so that we can be reviled for it.

    Like a fundamentalist who sees the work of Satan everywhere he looks, Bitterhappiness sees "racism" in the very air he breates.

  2. LOL too bad this post was about history book SIZES and not the concentration of history books in bookstores. DUH! Although I did mention it simply because it is also indicative of white racism - if you ever speak to the Chinese, they are quite avid readers of Western history despite its irrelevance to their own. Must be yet another white racist grasping at straws...

  3. No, just a proud white nationalist who made hash of your ridiculous argument.

  4. Like I said, white racist. Keep grasping at them straws...

  5. And like I said, you came up with a moronic thesis, namely that whites being more interested in the history of their own race and civilization than the history of other races and civilizations is somehow evidence of unspeakable moral corruption. This is absurd beyond words. Your hatred of your own people is pathological. Go read George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism" and try to understand how it applies to you.
